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SAVVI Wealth Partners is a good fit for you.

Our Mission:

SAVVI Wealth Partners was created on the belief that only by taking the time to really understand our clients can we help them manage the best financial life pathways forward

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A Focus on You

We have seen many financial firms use the latest industry innovations to spend less time with their clients. We believe every person is different and by using the latest analytics and technology we can have deeper conversations on where you currently stand and where you want to go. These cutting edge innovations, combined with a dedicated advisor that has been with you since the start, guide the pathways that help you live a better life, now and in the future.

The Leadership Team

For over 20 years our core team has applied our expertise to solve real-world problems in the areas of finance, healthcare, and transportation systems. With the launch of SWP, we are now focusing our academic expertise, portfolio management experience, and the major advancements in algorithmic models and computational processing to solve the incredible and complex challenge of personal financial decision-making. We welcome your questions about our professional credentials, investment philosophies, and how we can work together to help you reach your financial and life goals. Feel free to contact us to get started.

Chris Moran

Managing Principal,

Gina Mourtzinou Ph.D.


Steve Kokkotos Ph.D.


Let's chat!

All it takes is 15 minutes!
Schedule a call now to find out if SAVVI Wealth Partners is a good fit for you.

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